Semiconductors refer to materials with conductivity between conductors and insulators at room temperature. Semiconductors are widely used in fields such as integrated circuits, consumer electronics, communication systems, photovoltaic power generation, lighting, and high-power power conversion. For example, diodes are devices made of semiconductors. From the perspective of technology or economic development, the importance of semiconductors is enormous. Most electronic products, such as computers, mobile phones, or digital recorders, are closely related to semiconductors as their core units. Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc. Silicon is the most influential type of semiconductor material application. The electronics industry includes the manufacturing of computer communication electronic products, electronic components, and power machinery equipment, with a complex division of labor and mainly focused on export sales. China's electronics industry is relatively developed in cities such as Suzhou and Guangzhou. The consumer electronics industry in Asia is gradually emerging from the impact of the financial crisis. The company's Unijie oil-free compressors and Leibao vacuum pumps can be applied to the semiconductor industry, among which dry vacuum products can be used in processes such as crystal pulling, diffusion, deposition, etching, photolithography, and coating in the semiconductor industry.