Application of oil-free compressors in the textile industry

Compressed air is particularly suitable for cleaning looms, spindles, and other equipment in cotton and wool textile mills. During the process of trimming cotton thread, compressed air is used to clean machines such as presses and wood cutters, as well as to provide pressure for packaging. The humidification system also uses compressed air during operation. In other textile factories, compressed air is also used to stir, lift, and move molds, or to solve water pumping, cargo humidification, automatic control of steam and water levels, start engines, and operate pressure batteries. By compressing air to grasp the threads in the needle hole, the tuft of the blanket is increased from 45% to 95%.
In a hat factory, air jet machines are used to trim velvet hats and clean machines. The press bed, like many irons used in laundry, is also air driven, with flexible control and comfortable operation.
In the manufacturing of women's intimate underwear, compressed air is used to drive cutting tools, and there is a special purpose that can expand bras and pads.
A two-stage integrated transmission device rated at 4000scfm at 100psig is used in the central power station of a southern textile factory power plant using jet looms in the textile industry. In another textile factory installation, a larger volume (4500scfm) four stage compression equipment was used.
In summary, oil-free compressors can be said to be ubiquitous in the textile industry as one of the universal equipment.