Principle of nitrogen compressor

Time:2020-09-10 07:59:07 Source: UNIGY View: 944
  • Nitrogen compressors are mainly used in various industrial needs, where pipelines are used to connect the original inlet of the nitrogen compressor to the balance gas tank. When the sealing performance of the sealing box is not very good, the pipeline provides a certain pressure, preventing air from leaking into the cylinder from the gap between the sealing box and the piston rod, thereby ensuring the purity of compressed nitrogen. Through the above improvements, the working conditions of the compressor have been greatly improved, UNIGY will explain the principle of nitrogen compressors.
  • 氮气压缩机主要是用于各种工业需求中,在氮气压缩机原进气口与平衡气罐之间用管道连接,当密封圈的密封性能不是很好时, 由于该管道提供了一定的压力,阻止了空气从密封函和活塞杆的间隙里泄露入气缸,从而保证了压缩后的氮气纯度,通过以上改进后的压缩机的工况有了很大的改良,南京汉特就讲解一下氮气压缩机原理。
  • Principle of nitrogen compressor
  • In order to improve the purity of compressed gas and improve the working conditions of the compressor, a balance gas tank with a volume of about 0.5-1.0 cubic meters is added between the front stage of the compressor and the fractionation tower to meet the needs. The inlet pipe of the compressor is changed to a hole drilled on the first stage valve cover, and the pipe is directly connected to the balance gas tank. The diameter of the inlet pipe is enlarged, which can reduce the resistance of the pipeline to the gas and increase the gas flow rate, This increases the intake volume during the suction movement of the first stage piston of the compressor.
  • 为了提高压缩后气体的纯度及改进压缩机的工况,在压缩机的前级与分馏塔之间增加一只平衡气罐,体积在0.5—1.0立方左右即可以满足需要,将压缩机的进气管口改成在一级阀门盖上打孔,用管道与平衡气罐直接连接,并且将进气管道直径加粗,这样可以减少管道对气体的阻力,增加了气体的流速,从而提高压缩机一级活塞吸气运动时的进气量。
  • Due to the use of oil-free lubrication, the temperature of each level of cylinder in the compressor has increased to a certain extent. Among them, the temperature rise of the third level cylinder is the highest. In order to improve the heat dissipation of this level cylinder and avoid excessive temperature rise, the manufacturer of the third level cylinder is required to design its outer wall as a fin type, and the inner wall is embedded with a copper sleeve with good thermal conductivity and wear resistance. The cylinder produced through the above methods, Its performance and lifespan have greatly improved.
  • 由于采用了无油润滑方式,压缩机各级气缸的温度都有一定幅度的上升,其中三级气缸的温升最大,为了改善该级气缸的散热性,避免温升过大,在制作三级气缸时,要求气缸的生产厂家,将其外壁设计成翅片式,内壁镶导热性能良好且耐磨的铜套,通过以上方式生产出来的气缸,其性能及寿命都大大提高。
  • The control system of nitrogen compressors is generally relatively simple. Some older compressors use winding motors, which are started by frequency sensitive varistors. In recent years, we have basically switched to using squirrel cage motors, many of which use direct starting methods. However, the starting current of this starting method is too high, which poses great safety hazards and brings many disadvantages in terms of safety and operation. In order to improve these problems, we have changed the control system of the motor to star delta starting method to reduce the starting current and added interlocking and alarm functions to the entire control system, Mainly, interlocking and alarm functions have been set up for the oil supply and water supply systems of the equipment, and alarm functions have been set up for the third level exhaust temperature and exhaust pressure.


  • Nitrogen compressors are divided into two cooling methods: air cooling and water cooling.
  • 氮气压缩机分为风冷和水冷两种冷却方式。
  • Unigy provides customers with industrial equipment such as screw air compressors, oil-free compressors, nitrogen compressors, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) compressors, helium compressors, medium and high pressure air compressors. We not only provide customers with air compressors, but also provide solutions for oil-free compressed gas systems.
  • 优尼捷为客户提供螺杆空压机,无油压缩机,氮气压缩机,六氟化硫(sf6)压缩机,氦气压缩机,中高压空气压缩机等工业设备,我们不止为客户提供空压机,更为客户提供无油压缩气体系统解决方案。