Why do we need to use a medium and high pressure air compressor for PET bottle blowing

Time:2020-09-22 12:10:18 Source: UNIGY View: 874
  • The function of the medium and high pressure air compressor is to fully extend the molten material, tightly adhere to the mold wall, and fully shape the bottle. At the same time, it performs lateral stretching to improve its lateral strength. The main influencing factors include location and pressure.
  • 中高压空气压缩机的作用是使熔料充分伸展,紧贴模具壁,使瓶子充分成型,同时进行横向拉伸,提高其横向强度。其影响因素主要有位置和压力。
  • The pressure of a high-pressure air compressor in use is generally 3.7-4MPa, which is determined by its molding characteristics and the properties of the filled beverage (carbon dioxide). There are two positions, namely the position of high pressure gas and the position of exhaust gas. The time between the two is the holding time during molding, and the length of this time has a significant impact on the stability of the bottle capacity. Insufficient high-pressure air can lead to improper bottle formation and insufficient foot blowing.
  • 使用中高压空气压缩机的压力一般为3.7-4MPa,这是由其成型特性和灌装饮料(二氧化碳)的性质所决定的。其位置有两个,即高压气的位置及排气的位置,二者之间的时间为成型中的保压时间,这段时间的长短对瓶子容量的稳定性有很大影响。高压气不足,易使瓶子成型不当、脚部吹不足等。
  • Plastic hollow containers are widely used in the beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food, and chemical industries due to their lightweight, cost-effective, and high safety characteristics. They have also attracted more manufacturers to choose plastic containers instead of traditional glass containers. The commonly used eco-friendly plastic nowadays is PET material. The tubular plastic parison obtained by extrusion or injection molding of thermoplastic resin is placed in a split mold while it is hot (or heated to a softened state). After the mold is closed, compressed air is immediately introduced into the parison, causing the plastic parison to expand and tightly adhere to the inner wall of the mold. After cooling and demolding, various hollow products are obtained.
  • 塑料中空容器以质轻价廉、安全性高等特性, 广泛应用于饮料、医药、化妆品、食品及化工行业,更是吸引了更多的生产商选择塑料容器来代替以往的玻璃容器。现今一般常用的是PET材质的环保塑料。热塑性树脂经挤出或注射成型得到的管状塑料型坯,趁热(或加热到软化状态),置于对开模中,闭模后立即在型坯内通入压缩空气,使塑料型坯吹胀而紧贴在模具内壁上,经冷却脱模,即得到各种中空制品。
  • The working pressure of compressed air used for blow molding generally reaches 3-4 MPa. Compressed air under this pressure state, where gaseous water and oil pollutants accumulate more into liquid pollutants. This is true for both oil-free compressors and screw air compressors. The following are the defects of blow molded products caused by different reasons of compressed air:
           1、Due to insufficient compressed air pressure, orange peel like patterns appear on the surface of blown products, or the contours or graphics are unclear. At the same time, insufficient air pressure can also cause the volume of blown products to not meet the standard
    • 由于压缩空气气压不足引起吹塑产品表面出现橘皮状花纹,或者轮廓或图文不清晰,同时由于气压不足还会造成吹塑产品容积不达标
      2、Due to impurities in compressed air, the surface of blow molded products may show pitting
    • 由于压缩空气有杂质引起吹塑产品表面出现麻点
      3、Due to high compressed air pressure, the shape of the product is blown out during molding
    • 由于压缩空气气压过高造成产品成型时型胚被吹破
      4、Due to the water and oil contamination inside the compressed air, the product is dirty.
    • 由于压缩空气的内的水、油污染物造成产品有脏污。
      Therefore, selecting appropriate compressed air post-treatment equipment is particularly important. The post-processing equipment for compressed air generally includes dust removal equipment (precision filters), water removal equipment (refrigeration dryers, adsorption dryers, gas water separators, etc.), and oil removal equipment (professional compressed air oil removal equipment, activated carbon filters, etc.). Configure corresponding purification facilities for gases of different uses.
    • 因此选择合适的压缩空气后处理设备就显得尤为重要。压缩空气的后处理设备一般包括除尘设备(精密过滤器)、除水设备(冷冻式干燥机、吸附式干燥机、气水分离器等)、除油设备(专业的压缩空气除油设备,活性炭过滤器。)。针对不同用途的气体配置其相对应的净化设施。
  • UNIGY provides customers with oil-free compressors, nitrogen compressors, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) compressors, helium compressors, medium and high pressure air compressors, and other industrial equipment. We not only provide customers with air compressors, but also provide customers with oil-free compressed gas system solutions.
  • 优尼捷为客户提供无油压缩机,氮气压缩机,六氟化硫(sf6)压缩机,氦气压缩机,中高压空气压缩机等工业设备,我们不止为客户提供空压机,更为客户提供无油压缩气体系统解决方案。