Analyzing the Fault of Nitrogen Compressor
Time:2020-09-25 17:56:08 Source: UNIGY View: 1174
- Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and non combustible high-pressure gas stored in gas cylinders. When its content increases, resulting in oxygen content below 19.5%, it may cause suffocation. A self priming breathing mask is required. Bottled nitrogen products are high-pressure filling gases that should be depressurized and depressurized before use. The packaged gas cylinders have a service life, and any expired gas cylinders must be sent to a department for safety inspection before they can continue to be used. When using exhaust gas in each bottle of nitrogen, the residual pressure inside the bottle should be kept at 0.5MPa, which should not be less than 0.25MPa. The valve of the bottle should be closed to ensure gas quality and safe use.
- 氮气是一种无色、无味、无毒的不燃烧的储存于气瓶中的高压气体。当其含量增加导致氧气含量低于19.5%时有可能引起窒息。需配备自吸式呼吸面具。瓶装氮气产品为高压充装气体,使用时应经减压降压后方可使用。包装的气瓶上均有使用的年限,凡到期的气瓶必须送往有部门进行安全检验,方能继续使用。每瓶氮气在使用到尾气时,应保留瓶内余压在0.5MPa,小不得低于0.25MPa余压,应将瓶阀关闭,以保证气体质量和使用安全。
- The nitrogen compressor experienced abnormal inter stage pressure after running for over 6000 hours:
- 氮气压缩机在运行6000多小时后出现级间压力异常现象:
- The first stage exhaust pressure and temperature are relatively high, and then decrease again. During the shutdown inspection, there were stainless steel metal plates inside the secondary intake valve, and stainless steel fragments were squeezed on the upper and lower end faces of the secondary piston body. There are stainless steel elastic rings in the grooves of the piston rings of the machine's piston body. At this time, only 2.4-4.3mm of the three piston rings in the second stage are left (the new ring is 13mm, with a minimum radial thickness of 7mm). Due to severe wear of the piston ring, the elastic ring in its groove is worn out against the cylinder wall, causing the elastic ring to break into fragments and cause internal leakage in the gas valve. By polishing the piston body and cylinder wall, replacing the second and third stage piston rings, inspecting the gas valves at all levels, removing the elastic rings at all levels, and restoring normal use, the elastic rings on Hang Yang's oxygen compressor were all removed and no longer used.
- 一级排气压力和温度偏高,后来又下降。停机检查,二级进气阀内有不锈钢金属片,二级活塞体上下端面挤压有不锈钢碎片。该机活塞体的活塞环的环槽内均有不锈钢弹力环,这时二级的三只活塞环仅剩2.4~4.3mm(新环13mm,规定小径向厚度7mm)。因活塞环磨损严重,导致其槽内的弹力环出来与气缸壁磨损,弹力环断裂成碎块,造成气阀内漏。通过打磨活塞体和缸壁、更换新的二三级活塞环、检查各级气阀、拆下各级弹力环后恢复正常使用,并将杭氧的氧压机上的弹力环均拆下不再使用。
- 压缩机运行中,三级排气温度异常上升,现场检查一级活塞杆未做上下运动,二三级正常。停机检查到一级发生撞缸事故:连杆大头瓦固定螺栓断裂一只,活塞行程加大超限,铝活塞体被撞碎、气缸盖被撞裂缝渗水、连杆断裂。于是该机进行全部解体大修,更换一级活塞体、连杆、损坏的主轴瓦、大头瓦、连杆螺栓等。机组重新对中,之后得以恢复使用。气阀故障。日常巡检中,可手摸各级吸气阀,发现烫手或温度明显偏高,则该气阀有内漏,停机需拆检,一般是阀片断裂掉块问题,或阀片磨损密封不严,气阀阀罩松动也会造成内漏和异响。该级吸排气阀故障都能造成上一级排气压力和温度升高。
- UNIGY provides customers with oil-free compressors, nitrogen compressors, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) compressors, helium compressors, medium and high pressure air compressors, and other industrial equipment. We not only provide customers with air compressors, but also provide customers with oil-free compressed gas system solutions.
- 优尼捷为客户提供无油压缩机,氮气压缩机,六氟化硫(sf6)压缩机,氦气压缩机,中高压空气压缩机等工业设备,我们不止为客户提供空压机,更为客户提供无油压缩气体系统解决方案。